Ecoleaf - Compostable Cling Film, 30m

Ecoleaf - Compostable Cling Film, 30m

Brand - Ecoleaf
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Quick Description

This Ecoleaf Compostable Cling Film has been made with your food and Mother Nature in mind. Eco-friendly and non-toxic, keep food fresh for longer.

Key information

  • Compostable cling film for keeping food fresh
  • Free from petroleum and BPA
  • Non-toxic for food and compost
  • Cruelty-free
  • Comes in recyclable cardboard packaging

Product overview

Let’s face it: cling film is an undeniably useful member of the cooking and baking supplies family, so thank goodness Ecoleaf has made an ethical compostable version! Ecoleaf’s Compostable Cling Film degrades in compost within 90 days, leaving no toxic traces in the soil!

Excellent for conveniently wrapping picnic supplies, packed lunches, or covering last night’s dinner, this Compostable Cling Film is a must-have for your kitchen cupboard. With no petroleum or BPA chemicals, you can rest easy knowing your food is not absorbing anything nasty.

Ecoleaf is proudly vegan and cruelty-free and its eco-friendly Cling Film even comes in recyclable cardboard packaging. So when you’re shopping for your home, you’re doing right by the planet by choosing Ecoleaf.


Pla + Pbat (contains cornstarch)
Allergens: None

Frequently asked questions

What does it mean to be BPA-Free?

BPA stands for bisphenol A, a chemical that has been used for decades to make plastic for popular kitchen items such as tupperware. Some research has demonstrated the harmful effects of BPA exposure on the human body. We prefer to stay clear!