Optibac Probiotics - For Women Multiple Sizes

Optibac Probiotics - For Women Multiple Sizes

Brand - Optibac Probiotics
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Quick Description

These Optibac Probiotics help balance friendly bacteria and PH in the vaginal and urinary tracts. They are supported by 30 years of research and easy to take.

Key Information

  • UK’s most recommended friendly bacteria supplement brand
  • Proven to reach the vaginal flora
  • In clinical trials with over 2500 women across the world, this product received great reviews
  • Easy to take, refrigeration not required
  • Suitable during pregnancy, when breastfeeding, or during menopause
  • Container no longer made from plastic

Product Overview

These Optibac Probiotics are specifically designed for anyone with a vagina, as they are developed to help support a healthy balance of friendly bacteria in the vaginal and urinary tracts.

The friendly bacteria in these tablets compellent vaginal flora, and support natural pH levels in the vagina. They have also been clinically proven to be able to reach the vagina when taken in capsule form, unlike other friendly bacteria which may not go beyond the gut.

Each of these OptiBac Probiotic capsules contains 2.3 billion live cultures, and their effectiveness is backed by 25 studies and over 30 years of research.

Simply swallow one capsule a day with food, ideally at breakfast. These can be taken alongside other supplements and can be taken every day if necessary. Store in the fridge after opening.


Maltodextrin (natural source), live cultures: Lactobacillus paracasei F-19®, Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14®, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1®

Vegetarian capsule: hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, stabiliser: microcrystalline cellulose; anti-caking agent: vegetable magnesium stearate.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do people need specific probiotics supplements based on their sex?

Most probiotic supplements are designed to support friendly bacteria in the gut and these are for anyone regardless of their sex. However friendly bacteria are also important to genital health, and these vary between sexes, so therefore there are certain probiotic supplements specifically designed for people of different sexes.